Board Of Directors
Executive Directors
Mr. Ang Jui Khoon (Chairman)
Mr. Ang Kok Kwang (Chief Executive Officer)
Independent non-executive Directors
Ms. Leung Wing Chi Kylie
Mr. Fok Wai Hung
Mr. So Chi Kai
Board Committee
Audit Committee
Ms. Leung Wing Chi Kylie (Chairlady)
Mr. Fok Wai Hung
Mr. So Chi Kai
Terms of Reference of Audit Committee
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Fok Wai Hung (Chairman)
Mr. Ang Kok Kwang (Hong Guoguang)
Ms. Leung Wing Chi Kylie
Terms of Reference of Remuneration Committee
Nomination Committee
Mr. Ang Jui Khoon (Chairman)
Ms. Leung Wing Chi Kylie
Mr. Fok Wai Hung
Mr. So Chi Kai
Other Corporate information
Procedures for shareholders to propose a person for election as a director